
Alaskan Inspiration

A month ago my father-in-law walked into my office, sat down on the futon in front of my desk, and said "Rob, I want to take you and your family on an Alaskan cruise."

So...Here I am writing this blog while looking out at Glacier bay. Wow! Talk about seeing another side of God's creation. Not only is this a wonderful experience, but it is also a cruise sponsored by Inspiration Ministries. This is a ministry sponsored by my favorite christian author, Chuck Swindoll.

Chuck and his staff are all on this cruise. It's a conference during which every morning Chuck (we are on a first name basis) shares a bible study with us, along with a hymn (I had to explain what hymns were to Drew--my oldest son :) ). It is a real privilege to hear Chuck speak on such a personal level. He will meet with the forty attending pastors on Thursday. I'm really looking forward to that.

I did go directly from the morning session to bed all day, as my youngest son gave me the gift of a bad cold. Needless to say, I slept the rest of the day. Today I am feeling a little better.

I do want to share with you a thought that Chuck shared with us yesterday...
He really encouraged silence.
Taking time in our busy lives to just listen.
Chuck gave the following illustration:
He had just landed and the plane's engines turned off. As usual, the cabin was immediately filled with music. He wondered why this always happened, so he asked the captain. "Because people hate silence" was his response.

Maybe today you can turn off the phone, television, iPod or radio and just take some time to be silent and listen.

Well, I hope all is well and look forward to being back with all of you this Sunday (10 pounds heavier).