
Changed lives!

I was recently asked, "If you could say one thing Journey is all about, what would it be?" The answer is quite simple--“Changed lives”. There is nothing more exciting in ministry or life than to see light come into darkness, hope enter into hopelessness, or life into lifelessness.

As I ate lunch the other day with a person that used to attend Journey, but had moved away, I was reminded of how much life change I've been blessed to witness in others. God is still very alive and well in 2009. He is still in the business of changing lives.

It's been a wonderful journey preaching on the gospels over this last month. Just this past Sunday I was able to share on the gospel of Luke. In this book, there is one story after another detailing life change as a result of hanging with Jesus Christ. In Luke 19:10 we read “For the Son of Man came to seek and save that what was lost”--this is exactly what the book of Luke is filled with. One story after another of Jesus coming alongside of people, and bringing amazing change to their lives.

I'm so proud of the people at Journey who have allowed Jesus into their lives, and as a result have found new life. The change is such a powerful testimony to those who are out there still searching. Being hit over the head with a bible will only leave a mark...and lots of anger, but watching a life change before your eyes--for the better--can leave a mark on the heart that also brings change to one's life.

Here is what I would love to leave you with to chew on:

1) Read the book of Luke with the idea of looking for life change

2) Identify and thank God for the life change He has brought to you

3) Share this with those who do not know Christ

We will be finishing up on the gospel of John this Sunday, love to see you there.

Changed life,
