
So this week I started a new sermon series entitled “The God you are looking for”. Just having come off a series where I preached on heaven, I've found myself very humbled. Really, I am going to tell people about what heaven is like and what God is all lot about?!? Don’t get me wrong, I am honored, but feel very inadequate.

If I understand the bible correctly, John--who hung out with Jesus and was also given a peek into heaven--had a hard time putting down on paper what he had seen. Then we turn to David, who is said to be “a man after Gods own heart,” who struggles through the writing of psalms to communicate his thoughts and feeling about our living God. Do you see where I may be coming from?


With that said, I was really excited to share about how David described God in psalms 139. As God is described often times in our society, I feel like we come across having figured him all out and then put him in a box and sell him (or criticize). When you read David’s words in pslams 139, you see a man who is taking God out of a box and admiring God for who HE is:
  • Lord
  • All knowing
  • Creator
  • Comforter
  • Gracious
  • Caring
  • Forgiver

David doesn't seem to be concerned with how God is who HE is, but rather he is just caught up with who God is.

Where are you with this? Is it time for you and I to just sit down and take God in?

I want to encourage each of you to grab your bible, sit down and read psalms 139. Take God out of the box that you may have placed him in, sit back and watch our living God reveal himself in a powerful way.