
Life can be really hard sometimes, can't it?

Just before service on Sunday I was greeting different people, and my last two conversations were really intense--Two different men, both facing overwhelming realities in there lives. I found my self speechless in both circumstances, only able to share the words “You will know why you are here tonight after the services.”

My passage for the night was Psalms 91 and I would be focusing on the truth of God being our refuge. As I stood singing before I was to preach, I was overcome by emotion. I could not shake the overwhelming idea that people come every week with so much on their hearts, and wanting to hear something from God that would bring hope, strength or answers.

I thank God that through his word, I have something to share of great value. Where I come up short with words to share, God brings all that we need.

Psalms 91 promises us that God is our refuge, shelter and safe haven. I need to hear that as I face my own challenges in life.

How about you?

Remember, a shelter is only good if you seek it out and enter it. God wants to be our refuge, but we must allow him to be by seeking him out. I thank God for being that safe place in my life and for me to be able to share that with my 2 friends.

Join us this Sunday night at 5 as we take a look at our God who is so gracious.