
The Helmet of Salvation

"The Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste"

Do you remember that commercial from way back when?

Well this past Sunday we took a look at the last defensive piece of armor which God has laid out for us--“The Helmet of Salvation”. Helmets are made to protect our brains/our mind. As the commercial reminded us, we cannot waste our mind. Yet as Christians we have often times walked out onto the battlefield of life leaving this essential piece of equipment behind, exposing our minds to the fiery darts of the evil one.

You know what I am talking about? Right?

You and I cannot afford to do this. We wouldn't stand in a batting cage and allow baseballs to be shot at us at 90 mph without a helmet...That would just be plain “stupid”. So why would we leave our mind exposed to all the garbage out there?

As I shared on Sunday, the devil wants to trip us up, take us out, and knock us over. He does this by attacking the mind. I believe some of his most effective arrows go by the names of DISCOURAGEMENT and DOUBT.

Do you agree? Have you experienced these arrows in your life? Do you have one stuck in your brain right now?

If we would just put on the helmet, we could find certainty and courage. Now hear me, I’m not saying everything will be easy and carefree. I am saying that we'll be protected from being taken out of the race. Just as helmets in life only protect us from serious damage, we still can experience having our bell rung when hit hard by an object. This can even mean a little pain and suffering. But, we can still stand because of the hope we have in our salvation.

  1. Past=forgiveness of sin (justification)
  2. Present=change in our lives (sanctification)
  3. Future=heaven (glorification).

So gear up and let’s go kick some butt!