
Good news anyone?

Why is it that when I preach on a topic I often times must live through it? In no way do I want to depress anyone, or even cause you any concern about your pastor, but when is enough...enough?

It seems that around every corner there is another challenge or heartbreak--can you relate?

It's been very nice to be reminded of the “Good News” that is available at your fingertips at any given time. God has given us not just one, but four books filled with the good news of Jesus Christ.Good news that I can proclaim for my own life everyday.

That’s right...EVERYday.

Each of us can break open one of the gospels and start reading about the life of Christ and how his life can bring so much hope into ours. We are so fortunate to have been given the gospels as a light in the darkness. I gave a challenge to the church on Sunday to read the book of Matthew--Have you? If not...why not? I believe God has something very powerful in this book that he is wanting you to read and proclaim in your own life. I would also like to challenge you to share one insight you received from reading Matthew on this blog. This can be an encouragement to others that are on the same journey and may be struggling.

I also want to let you know that I will be preaching on the gospel of Mark this Sunday. I have just finished the sermon and I am excited to share with you what God has placed on my heart . I will see you there!
